An inspired initiative

Pub is The Hub and arts project INN CROWD have joined forces to launch ‘Winter Warmers’, a campaign which aims to bring cheer and hope to publicans, their staff and their local communities during these challenging times.
The ‘Winter Warmers’ campaign was conceived from a desire to bring together two sectors, which make an invaluable contribution to our society and have been so adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, to do something positive for the publicans and artists working in them.
The campaign is based on a collection of heart-warming poems about pubs written by seven outstanding poets.
Praise for Resilient Publicans
As part of the initiative a ‘National Poem of Thanks to Our Nation’s Publicans’ has also been released. This thank you poem, has been written and performed by Alexandra Ewing, the daughter of a former publican. The poem is to say a huge thank you to publicans, who despite the immense and ever-changing challenges to their own businesses, continue to demonstrate ongoing resilience, tenacity and innovation in these unprecedented times.

Share the Pub Love
If you are a publican who would like to share the ‘Winter Warmers’ poems with your locals, you can find digital assets for sharing on social media, including videos of the poets reading the poems, along with downloadable postcards and posters of the poems at www.inncrowd.org.uk/winter-warmers/
Pick a poet
The publicans’ thank you poet, along with poets in six regions across the country were specially commissioned to write heart-warming poems about pubs by INN CROWD, who work with pubs to provide them access to professional live literature crafted especially for pub audiences.

Postcards of Positivity
These wonderful poems have been shared by many publicans across the country with their locals on social media and through postcards featuring the poem written by the poet from their region.
Publicans have been sharing these postcards in a number of ways, including by putting them in takeaway bags and food boxes or posting through the doors of people at risk of experiencing feelings of loneliness.