Welsh Project Overview
Community Feedback
Many pub schemes benefit the vulnerable, elderly or isolated residents in rural areas who are now given a reason to get out of their house to visit the pub’s post office, pick up some cash, watch a classic film, meet friends at the pub’s coffee shop or learn how to get online and use social media through the pub’s IT training courses. In fact, having a meeting place throughout the day is often quoted as the key benefit.
Pub schemes make an immediate impact on those people using them but they can create a ripple effect with regard to economic growth; from the farmer supplying additional locally-grown food to a new shop, taking on new part-time staff or more tourists or visitors coming into the area.
Below is a sample of some of the great feedback we have received from communities.
When we work on pub schemes we always ask that the licensees must demonstrate the need for the new service or activity through support from the local parish council and/or through a village questionnaire. It is important that the community supports each project from the outset and even helps to shape the outcome.
Each project is evaluated six month later to measure the impact of the service or activity initiated in each scheme as this has also become important in securing new sources of funding and grants.