A new cinema, book exchange and senior citizens luncheon club was officially opened by Norfolk County Councillor and Chair of Adult Social Services Sue Whitaker yesterday.
Developed in partnership with rural pubs organisation Pub is The Hub and Norfolk County Council, this new range of services at The Chequers aims to widen its appeal to the community providing services that they would otherwise have to drive over 20 miles to enjoy.
The Chequers at Feltwell has been an intrinsic part of the community for over 300 years and with licensee, Jeremy Holmes at the helm it continues to be the focus for many family and village gatherings.
Pub is the Hub and Norfolk County Council have contributed £1,750 to the cost of the project and Jeremy Holmes, himself a freehold landlord has matched the grant.
Cllr Sue Whitaker said: “I am really impressed with the effort that Jeremy has put into this initiative for his community. In Norfolk we are keen to support elderly people in keeping their independence for as long as possible and many urban pubs could learn a lot from some of the creative new services that rural pubs are introducing in partnership with Pub is The Hub.”
Terry Stork, advisor for Pub is The Hub added: “Jeremy always strives to help the local community, and should be applauded for his latest venture to facilitate even more community involvement for all the different age groups to socialise. The nearest cinema to Feltwell is over 20 miles away, therefore this ambitious scheme will be much appreciated by the local and wider community and there will be no charge for cinema patrons. The senior citizens lunch club will integrate seamlessly with the community cinema and a book exchange facility, providing a point of contact to prevent loneliness and social exclusion while also providing a safety net for the more elderly residents.”