The picture postcard Stafford Arms dates back to the 16th Century. It is the only amenity in the village and has always been at the centre of village life. The current owners have been running the pub for 20 years and actively support community activities. Many elderly residents expressed a need for help with the internet and a desire to have access to a computer in a supportive and familiar environment. As the pub is already used for a number of social activities Lisa felt it would be the ideal location to house a community computer. Lisa approached Pub is The Hub for help in funding the purchase of a computer for the use of the whole community. Once installed, the computer would be available for people to use with assistance from staff on hand in the pub. At the same time a book exchange facility would also be set up.
The driver for the computer installation was very much from elderly residents in the village who needed access to a computer in a supportive and familiar environment and help in accessing key information, particularly from the Council website. The service is, however, available to all villagers who do not have access to a computer at home or who need help accessing information on-line. The Bagnall Action Group hold their monthly lunch at the pub and have heavily supported the project as has the Parish Council and The Bagnall Walk. Lisa and her team have been very keen to offer this service to the community.
Anybody needing access to a computer or help in accessing information on the internet can now do this in a supportive and familiar environment with help at hand from staff in the pub. The project was achieved at minimal financial outlay.
Total Project Costs – £698.99
CSF Grant – £698.99
Licensee Investment –Nil
Other Public Funding – Nil
Other Private Funding – Nil
For more information telephone 01423 546165 or email