Our small team of experienced advisors is supported through a combination of donations from our sponsors and supporters together with in-kind help to run our systems and administration. .
Funding in England has previously been supported by The BIG Lottery Fund – specifically for our Local Community Services Champions initiative. We continue to seek funding to support counties who have expressed an interest in working with us in the future.
The Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund have helped support the Welsh Pub is The Hub Co-operation Project up to November 2014 with 8 Welsh counties.
Our experience tells us that when someone brings up a problem it can usually be dealt with. We can’t promise to advise on and solve everything, but we will always do our best.

Financial Support
We always tend to be shy of promoting ourselves as we believe it is the hardworking licensees working with their local communities who are the real heroes of Pub is The Hub projects.
However, our great part-time Advisors do need donations to support their day to day work and if we may be a little more forthcoming, any support is always greatly appreciated!
Click here to donate
Support In Kind
If you can supply goods or services to support our work; whether in pubs or in support of our advisors, we would love to hear from you.

Advisory Support
We are always keen to hear from people who have had professional experience in the pub, hospitality or property sectors and are keen to ‘give something back’ to an industry they love.